Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Poster Mock-up

This is a mock-up of our film's poster. Other features might be added such as reviews company logos to make look more realistic, but this is the basic layout and image we will use. The position of the date has not yet been decided, so we will try out all our composition ideas when we are editing.
The name of our supernatural horror film is "The Entwined". When we were thinking of what to call the film, we looked at the theme and characters of the film. It orbits around sisters and the relationship between siblings. It's also about the protective instinct and trust and how the past is mirroring the present.
We then thought of words that would fit in well with these themes. Other names ideas we had were "Siblings", "Pray for Her" and "The Cult" but we thought that these reveal too much about the film's plot. We chose "The Entwined" because it did well in referring to the relationships between all the sisters and how the past is connected with the present in a vague manner, without giving away the narrative. It also works well because many other horror films have the word "The" at the start of their titles, so it helps make the title and it's appearance on the poster look more realistic and professional.

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